
For the treatment of swollen legs/lymphedema in the leg/arm and acceleration of wound/fracture healing. Vadoplex is a modern treatment for, among other things, chronic and acute peripheral oedema/swollen legs. Vadoplex, unlike support stockings, has
a clinically proven impulse technology that imitates the natural impulses of walking and provides a continuous normal load on the foot.
The treatment concept
Highly effective DVT prophylaxis, chronic and acute oedema, wound healing, compartment syndrome, lymphoedema,
under indications: DVT prophylaxis, chronic and acute edema, pre- and post-operative edema in trauma, critical ischemia, compartment syndrome, wound healing, venous and arterial insufficiency.
Together, we can adapt the treatment concept to your patients – according to their risk level and their needs.
The product is available for:
● Healthcare
● Private hospitals
● Orthopedists
● General practitioner
● Private individuals
● Physical therapists
● Sports doctor
Ordering Instructions
Products and description. Article no. Description VXSY-01-1 VADOplex system (Device)
VXFP-01-1-L-LI 1 VADOplex Foot pad, Size Large (42-47), Left
VXFP-01-1-L-RE 1 VADOplex Foot pad, Size Large (42-47), Right
VXFP-01-1-M-LI 1 VADOplex Foot pad, Size Medium (37-41), Left
VXFP-01-1-M-RE 1 VADOplex Foot pad, Size Medium (37-41), Right
VXFP-02-1-L 1 Pair of VADOplex Foot pad, Size Large (42-47)
VXFP-02-1-M 1 Pair of VADOplex Foot pad, Size Medium (37-41)
VXFP-05-1-L Box with 5 Pair of VADOplex Foot pad, Size Large (42-47)
VXFP-05-1-M Box with 5 Pair of VADOplex Foot pad, Size Medium (37-41)
VXCP-03-1-LI 1 VADOplex Gypsum Pad for VACOped/cast, Left
VXCP-03-1-RE 1 VADOplex Gypsum Pad for VACOped/cast, Right
VXHP-04-1-LI 1 VADOplex Handpad, Left
VXHP-04-1-RE 1 VADOplex Handpad, Right
OPED specialists are ready to meet with you to present their products and to demonstrate the benefits of VADOplex and VACO products. More information is available at www.vadoplex.com.
Pad sizes: | EUR |
Footpad Medium | 37-41 |
Footpad Large | 42-47 |
Calfpad | Universal |
Undercast Pad | Universal |
Shorty Pad | Universal |
Handpad | Universal |
Ask your doctor about VADOplex
You have the right to ask for the best possible product available. If you are a private individual and want to order a VADOplex, click here.
- Highly effective DVT prophylaxis
- Little risk of side effects
- Operation 1.7 days earlier, and discharge 3.6 days earlier 1)
- Significantly fewer complications (less swelling and less risk for compartment syndrome) 1) 2)
- Improved circulation provides better and faster wound healing 1) 3)
- High risk of DVT
- Massive swelling
- Post-trauma
- Post-OP
- Prophylaxis for compartment syndrome and postfasciotomy
Contact us
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us!
Phone: +46 8 756 71 10
E-mail: info@limedic.se
Address: Box 3035, 183 03 Täby
About us
Octopus Limedic distributes the latest technology within medical devices to hospitals in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
More about us.